歡迎來到 貓狗一番 CAT DOG NO.1!購物滿 $300 免費送到全港幾百間 7-11 隨時取 每月都提供不同優惠
Celtic Connection

鴨肉鵝肉無穀無麩防敏狗糧 - 2.5kg


Celtic Connection 鴨肉鵝肉無穀無麩防敏狗糧 2.5kg

- 全面及均衡的配方
- 無穀物/無麩質
- 低致敏性及容易消化
- 不含玉米,大豆,乳製品,牛肉,轉基因或填充物
- 無BHT / BHA的食譜
- 不含人造色素,調味劑或防腐劑
- 治療級數的營養植物藥


購物優惠 :

【贈品】購物滿$250 送隨機小禮品一份

  • Store cream cakes in a refrigerator. Fondant cakes should be stored in an air conditioned environment.
  • Slice and serve the cake at room temperature and make sure it is not exposed to heat.
  • Use a serrated knife to cut a fondant cake.
  • Sculptural elements and figurines may contain wire supports or toothpicks or wooden skewers for support.
  • Please check the placement of these items before serving to small children.
  • The cake should be consumed within 24 hours.
  • Enjoy your cake!

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Customer questions & answers

  • Tracey
    14 Jan, 2023 at 12.58 AM

    Icing cookie carrot cake chocolate cake sugar plum jelly-o danish. Dragée dragée shortbread tootsie roll croissant muffin cake I love gummi bears. Candy canes ice cream caramels tiramisu marshmallow cake shortbread candy canes cookie.Reply

  • Olivia
    01 May, 2023 at 08.31 AM

    Tootsie roll cake danish halvah powder Tootsie roll candy marshmallow cookie brownie apple pie pudding brownie chocolate bar. Jujubes gummi bears I love powder danish oat cake tart croissant.Reply

  • Gabrielle
    21 May, 2023 at 05.52 PM

    Biscuit chupa chups gummies powder I love sweet pudding jelly beans. Lemon drops marzipan apple pie gingerbread macaroon croissant cotton candy pastry wafer. Carrot cake halvah I love tart caramels pudding icing chocolate gummi bears. Gummi bears danish cotton candy muffin marzipan caramels awesome feel. Reply

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